
Our doctors use specific chiropractic adjustments to restore motion to restricted spinal segments in order to decrease pain and symptoms, and increase function and range of motion. This goes hand in hand with specific soft tissue therapy, to restore natural motion and function around the restricted segments. We can tailor our treatments from the very young to the very old, and any age range in... Read More

Our doctors use specific chiropractic adjustments to restore motion to restricted spinal segments in order to decrease pain and symptoms, and increase function and range of motion. This goes hand in hand with specific soft tissue therapy, to restore natural motion and function around the restricted segments. We can tailor our treatments from the very young to the very old, and any age range in between, being as gentle as necessary.

Our chiropractic office has helped countless people in the Lincoln County area address assorted health symptoms, aches and pains. The number one priority at our chiropractic office is ensuring that each and every patient feels like family from the second they walk in.

Dr. Hammerling uses specific chiropractic adjustments to restore motion to restricted spinal segments in order to decrease pain and symptoms, and increase function and range of motion. This goes hand in hand with specific soft tissue therapy, to restore natural motion and function around the restricted segments. A graduate of Logan College, Dr. Robert J. Hammerling has experience working with a variety of conditions ranging from neck and back pain to hand and foot pain. He can tailor his treatments from the very young to the very old, and any age range in between, being as gentle as necessary.

Dr. Rob Hammerling, and our staff will work relentlessly alongside you to get to the bottom of any symptoms that you may be experiencing so that we can determine a course of action moving forward to reduce or get rid of the symptoms entirely.

When you become a part of the Winfield Chiropractic and Pain Relief Center family you can expect a team of experts to guide you along your journey towards better health and less pain. Backed by science and with an emphasis of avoiding invasive surgeries and long-term prescriptions our treatment plans focus on natural or alternative treatments that have a high degree of success.

We look forward to meeting you in our office and adding you as a member of the Winfield Chiropractic and Pain Relief Center family.

Our chiropractic office has helped countless people in the Lincoln County area address assorted h... Read More

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Located at: 10 Eagle Ave., Winfield
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